GMAST brings together the cultural and creative community across Greater Manchester to address the climate and ecological crisis.

We imagine and explore how we can build our sustainable and equitable future through collaboration, learning and connection.
With climate justice at the centre we unite culture and art form with the commitment to achieve our city-region’s zero carbon target.

GMAST aims to reduce the environmental impact of the cultural and creative community in Greater Manchester by working together to tackle the climate crisis.
Working together we share knowledge and build capacity for practical action.
We are aligned to the Paris Agreement to limit global warming and endorse Greater Manchester’s target of becoming net-zero no later than 2038
We play our full part in Manchester’s Zero Carbon Framework.
Our collaborative model works, is internationally recognised and we want share it.
Collectively we drive change in our sector and beyond for the benefit of our communities.
Introducing C-CHANGE
C-Change was a programme of practical action and knowledge sharing with a collection of European cities, building on the work of MAST, to support and mobilise their arts and culture sectors towards local climate change action.