Over the past 10 years GMAST has pulled together numerous resources to support and promote climate action for cultural organisations.
Please find below a collection of resources.
The GMAST Guide to Taking Action
The GMAST Guide to Taking Action is an eLearning tool we have developed to support our sector in getting started and developing your response to the climate and ecological crisis.
The guide focuses on:
Policy – understanding climate change targets at global and local levels
Position – understanding your impact
Practice – Exploring ways to reduce your impact
Planning – Putting together your own Policy and Action Plan
Place – Looking at cultural spaces temporary and permanent
People – Engagement and Climate Justice
This has been developed as part of C-Change – Arts and Culture Leading Climate Action in Cities
Manchester Roundtables - Earth Day 2021
To celebrate Earth Day 2021, Julie’s Bicycle was commissioned to co-produce a series of online environmental training events and conversations.
The events featured experts, practitioners, and policymakers from the Greater Manchester area and over 70 participants. Together, we discussed the fundamental issues facing humanity, what a sustainable future could look like, for Manchester, and cities and communities everywhere.
The series of events (ran on the 22nd and 23rd April 2021) focused on decarbonisation, ecological economics, and social justice. These three topics were selected to shine a light and promote a deeper understanding of the root causes and consequences of environmental degradation and what must be done.
This project was developed as part of C-Change – Arts and Culture Leading Climate Action in Cities with Julie’s Bicycle, an internationally recognised expert in the field of creative industries and climate action.
Watch the online training events and conversations…
Decarbonisation and the path to net zero carbon
Ecological Economics
Justice: how social justice links to climate and the environment
Carbon Literacy
Carbon Literacy for the cultural sector in association with HOME
Carbon Literacy is a brilliant way to educate you and your team. GMAST has developed a Carbon Literacy package for the cultural sector in Greater Manchester.
You can find out more about the Carbon Literacy Project on the Carbon Literacy website and about how HOME have developed it on the HOME Manchester carbon literacy webpage
Manchester City Council Events Team have also developed with HOME a Carbon Literacy syllabus for volunteering.
Find out more about the Carbon Literacy syllabus by getting in touch
100 Carbon Literacy Places - C-Change Report
Through C-Change – Arts and Culture Leading Climate Action in Cities we made available 100 free places in early 2021 and you can read about the impact of this in the downloadable 100 Carbon Literacy Places - C-Change Report below
Sustainable Events Guides
A series of guides developed by Manchester City Council Events Team
If you organise events in the city, use our guides to review your activity, share good practice and help to make Manchester zero carbon by 2038.
Event organisers, suppliers, service providers and venues can download sustainable events guides for:
major outdoor events
small outdoor events
indoor events
community events
food and drink traders
production suppliers
waste and cleansing services
Email sustainable-events@manchester.gov.uk if you need accessible versions of the guides, or if you have any queries, comments or good practice that you would like to share.
We have developed these guides with Julie’s Bicycle, an internationally recognised expert in the field of creative industries and climate action.
Reusable Cups Guide
A guide to reusable cups for everyone involved in organising events. This guide has been produced by Manchester City Council as part of C-Change. The Guide is for anyone delivering outdoor events in Manchester (and beyond) and is relevant for urban and greenfield sites, one-day and multiday events both large and small. It is also applicable for indoor event management, and of interest to anyone serving drinks in licensed premises. It outlines the benefits of reusable cups, provides advice about how to manage reusable cup systems, and offers examples and tips.
If you need an accessible version of the guide (e.g. for use with screen reader technology) please contact helen.harland@manchester.gov.uk
Julie’s Bicycle Creative Green webinar ‘The Road to Zero Carbon’
With contributions from sector leaders, the webinar focuses on climate policy, decarbonisation trends, and key case studies from the sector. We also explore the practicalities of energy management, with a focus on renewable energy to help you frame your operational and strategic response to the climate emergency.