MAST Timeline
10 years ago there was an idea, to bring together Manchester’s cultural leaders to address the environmental performance of the city’s cultural organisations, in line with the ambitions of the city’s first climate change strategy.
Since then, the cultural community has been working together through the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team (MAST) to understand our impacts, share, demonstrate and mobilise action across the sector and with our audiences and communities.
In 2009 the City Council published its ‘Call to Action’ - a response to UK Climate Change Act 2008 and started a large-scale public consultation feeding into the cities first climate change strategy “Manchester: a Certain Future (MACF)”.
Following an initial meeting in 2011, MAST has been on a journey with the city’s cultural community as a response to this climate change strategy.
Our MAST Timeline 2011-2021
Network milestones
External context
Manchester Cultural Partnership starts exploring how to respond to city’s call to action on climate change strategy
Manchester City Council launches call to action on its first climate change strategy – a response to the UK Climate Change Act 2008
First meeting of cultural CEOs and Green Champions, facilitated by Julie’s Bicycle
Regional museums fund provides for 2-year support programme from Julie’s Bicycle
Manchester: A Certain Future 2010-2020 climate change strategy underway
MAST mission and joint commitments defined including emissions reduction target in line with city target
Manchester International Festival (MIF) becomes first MAST chair
Carbon Literacy Project launched in Manchester
Royal Exchange Theatre takes on MAST chair from MIF
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 5th Annual Report published
MAST joins Manchester: A Certain Future steering group
Manchester Climate Change Agency established
COP21 results in Paris Agreement on limiting global temperature rise
MAST and Manchester Metropolitan University develop Carbon Literacy training pilot for culture sector
Manchester’s zero carbon 2050 commitment made in
Our Manchester Strategy 2016-25
Manchester recognised as Urbact Good Practice City based on MAST
MAST publishes 5-year report
USA pulls out of Paris Agreement
MAST joins Manchester Climate Change Partnership
Manchester starts the C-Change network with 5 European cities to share and develop MAST’s model
Manchester Climate Change Partnership established
Manchester Playing our Full Part commits city to science-based target of zero carbon 2038
MAST starts developing zero carbon plans
Representatives of five C-Change cities visit Manchester
Cultural Leader’s Group appoints Manchester Museum director as environmental lead
Arts Council England launches 2020-30 strategy with Environmental Responsibility as 1/4 investment principles
MAST and Manchester Museum run Brave New World online event for Cultural Leaders
COVID pandemic hits
5 European cities adopt MAST model
MAST becomes GMAST
USA rejoins Paris AgreementIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th Annual Report
COP26 global climate summit to take place in November

“From the inspiration and support it gives those in the network on finding new and better ways of doing things for people and planet, to its collective response to the climate crisis and active involvement in the city’s climate change partnership, we are immensely proud of what MAST has achieved so far.”
Dave Moutrey, Chief Executive, HOME Manchester and Director of Culture, Manchester City Council