MAST - Manchester Arts Sustainability Team was established in 2011 as a network of arts and cultural organisations who came together to understand how they could contribute to the delivery of our city’s first Climate Change Strategy.
In 2021 we became GMAST.
GMAST aims to reduce the environmental impact of the cultural and creative community by working collectively to tackle the climate and ecological crisis.
Working together we share knowledge and build capacity for practical action. Collectively we drive change in our sector and beyond for the benefit of our communities.

“From the inspiration and support it gives those in the network on finding new and better ways of doing things for people and planet, to its collective response to the climate crisis and active involvement in the city’s climate change partnership - we are immensely proud of what MAST has achieved so far.”
Dave Moutrey, Chief Executive, HOME Manchester and Director of Culture, Manchester City Council
We are aligned to the Paris Agreement to limit global warming and endorse the target of becoming net-zero no later than 2038. We play our full part in Manchester’s Zero Carbon Framework. Our collaborative model works, is internationally recognised and we want share it.

“MAST has demonstrated the range and diversity of creative responses to the sustainability challenge, a fine example of Manchester’s deep commitment to cultural and community values.”
Nick Nuttall, Head of Communications & Outreach and Spokesperson for the UN Convention Framework on Climate Change, 2014-2017
A cultural response to local climate targets: the 6 Ps and 6 Is
This framework has been developed to support our sector to take action.
It is a whole organisation approach with six areas of focus – the Ps.
Around it sit strengths that culture can bring – the Is.
It is about working collectively to reduce emissions and driving change in our communities.
We are stronger together.
You can find out more by looking at the GMAST Guide to Taking Action – link to eLearning.
The 6 Ps
Policy: Understanding and aligning to local science based targets - How do we need to change?
Position: Understanding our impact - What does moving closer to net zero mean?
Planning: Developing our approach to action, adaptation, and resilience - What can we reduce now and in the future?
People: Engaging as widely as we can - What skills and capacity building do we need and who can we work with?
Place: Reducing impact when we bring people together for cultural experiences - How can we enable low and lower carbon choices?
Practice: Making changes in how we make our work to reduce consumption - What should we leave behind?
The 6 Is
Imagine: Exploring what we want from our shared future - How can we unlock our collective creativity?
Inspire: Helping create an emotional connection - How can we enable others to act?
Inform: Navigating change - How can we help our communities?
Impact: Making the most of culture’s contribution - How can we demonstrate change?
Include: Putting communities and climate justice at the heart of what we do - Who is missing from the conversation?
Innovate: Empowering and celebrating change - How can we transform what we do?

“Over 10 years, a community committed to working together on climate and environmental action has emerged across Greater Manchester’s cultural sector. Initially we were a collection of often lone voices advocating for environmental change within organisations. Today we see organisations making climate action central to values, purpose and decisions. A collective approach, sharing challenges, our practice and learning, remain the most important things we can do, inspiring each other to go further and dig deeper.”
Simon Curtis, Convenor, GMAST
Manchester Culture Award 2018 for Promotion of Environmental Sustainability
The Manchester Culture Awards recognise the best of culture in the city over the last year and have been established by the council to recognise the massive contribution culture makes to the city’s economy, and the role of culture in helping make Manchester a vibrant place where people want to live, work, and play.

“MAST’s determined and long-term commitment to Manchester, and its faith in culture to drive local environmental action, has blossomed into a huge range of solutions and ideas, bringing together city and citizens, changing policy and inspiring other cities to follow in Manchester’s footsteps. It has been our privilege to be a part of this journey.”
Alison Tickell, Director Julie’s Bicycle