Carbon Literacy
for the cultural sector
in Greater Manchester
Carbon Literacy is a globally unique education programme, providing climate change learning that leads to positivity and action towards reducing carbon emissions. Carbon Literacy is a day’s worth of learning and action planning, and has been co-created, reviewed, and developed over a decade.
GMAST Carbon Literacy Training
GMAST has a longstanding relationship with the Carbon Literacy Project. GMAST member HOME developed and delivered in-person Carbon Literacy to members of GMAST and five European city partner participants of C-Change Transfer Network Partnership . During COVID-19 lockdown GMAST worked with HOME to develop online Carbon Literacy training and delivered courses for 100 GMAST members virtually. You can read more about the impact of the project here.
HOME and Manchester City Council collaborated on a Carbon Literacy course for volunteers for events and cultural organisations; this work has now come under the GMAST umbrella. We have developed the GMAST Carbon Literacy offer in order to increase the opportunity for network members to deliver the training. We support the peer learning model where organisations deliver Carbon Literacy Training for themselves, and we encourage organisations delivering training to make places available to others when they can.
We have updated both the team and volunteer online courses and training materials. Course content includes a full slide deck and Trainer Resources including case studies from across the region. We make these course materials freely available to the network, to support the roll-out of Carbon Literacy - enabling the cultural sector of Greater Manchester to take direct climate action, upskilling the sector in climate awareness, and influencing positive change aligned to local targets
GMAST is an informal network administered through in-kind contributions of of time; we are not able to deliver Carbon Literacy Training