We Art the Change
C-Change helped shape Mantova’s arts and culture sector as a driver for positive change on climate. Its success far exceeded expectations. This is in large part down to ‘getting the right people, in the right room, at the right time’.
Passionate, committed people from the sector – people like Festival Letteratura’s Arianna Tonelli, Lorenza Salati from the creative hub R84 and Mantova Chamber Orchestra’s Valentina Pavesi, joining forces. And from the municipality, Emanuele Salmin, from the Fundraising and EU projects Office, Giulia Pecchini from the Culture and Tourism Department and Elisa Parisi from the Environmental Department – combining their expertise, working closely with colleagues and councillors and supporting the city’s arts and culture sector.
City and sector together created ARC3A (Azioni per la Resistenza Climatica Collettiva di Cultura e Arte), a collaboration which will continue beyond C-Change. Testimony to Mantova’s success is the creation of a new national initiative in Italy to transfer the C-Change approach to six other Italian cities.
“C-Change has been a central part of Mantova cultural strategy over the last few years. We will continue what C-Change has started, and build on its legacy through a range of spin-off projects on both the local and the national level, including a new project to transfer the C-Change model to six other Italian cities.”
Emanuele Salmin, Fundraising and EU Projects Office, Municipality of Mantova
Watch the Mantova film
“C-Change reinforced co-operation between the culture and environmental departments of the city. Thanks to C-Change many cultural activities now have sustainability in their goals and we now take the arts and culture into consideration when we work on climate change and sustainability strategies.”
Elisa Parisi, Department of Environment, Municipality of Mantova
“C-Change is a great tool to raise awareness of citizens on climate change.”
Giulia Pecchini, Culture and Tourism Department, Municipality of Mantova
“C-Change has brought new life to our sector. Thanks to C-Change we have realised that it’s not enough to talk about climate emergency, but that we also have to take action.”
Arianna Tonelli, Festivalletteratura
Watch: what difference C-Change has made in Mantova